Do you want to act in the general interest in Africa, alone or with others? Tell us your story and we will help you to give shape to your wish. The King Baudouin Foundation’s Philanthropy Centre offers you a series of flexible and effective solutions that ensure maximum impact.
Whatever your profile and your project, we can help you to translate your wishes into sustainable and effective actions. We develop a tailor-made formula with you for the capital you want to dedicate to international philanthropy.
Would you like to contribute to the King Baudouin Foundation’s work in Africa, to one of the initiatives we manage or to a specific project? You can make a one-off donation quickly and securely.
Donations of 40 euros or more to the IBAN account: BE10 0000 0000 0404 (BIC: BPOTBEB1) of the KBF benefit from a tax reduction on the amount paid.
With more than 30 years of expertise and an extensive network, the KBF Centre for Philanthropy helps you clarify your wishes, plan, organize, manage and evaluate the impact of your project. You stay in control and choose whether and to what extent you want to get involved.
The philanthropy advisors are there to listen to you. They inform and assist you on legal, fiscal and administrative aspects. Because of their independent and pragmatic position, they help you to achieve your goal, even when you no longer can do it yourself.
Contribute to restoring the dignity of women victims of sexual violence, peace and access to health in DR Congo, through medical care, social support and the development of cultural projects.
Support education and poverty alleviation initiatives in South Africa and Morocco to improve the living conditions of the most disadvantaged.
Support initiatives to combat honour-related violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation and help women and children who are victims to build a new life.
Contact a philanthropy advisorÂ
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