By 2100 Africa will account for 5 out of 10 biggest cities in the world, and Lagos could be the biggest city in the world. Today, Lagos residents generate 15,000 tons of waste per day, of which only 40% is collected by municipal government. Wecyclers’ model is designed to help fill this gap and reduce solid waste in the street of Lagos, improving both the environment and the well-being of the population.
The organisation uses low and high technology solutions that comprise of a mobile application and SMS technology, as well as innovative low-cost bicycle-powered collection vehicles, which collect recyclable waste directly from households, to sell it on to recycling plants before it is made into new products. Households are sent an SMS by Wecyclers informing them of any “points” earned by collecting waste, points which may be redeemed for food, household items and other goods.
“We are proud to grant Wecyclers for their very effective model,” said Hervé Lisoir from the King Baudouin Foundation.
The independent Selection Committee selected the enterprise out of 244 applications for its innovative approach to engaging the community turning recycling into an economic driver for communities and turning citizens into agents of change.
The Prize will allow Wecyclers to further develop their business and increase their impact at national and international level.
More about Wecyclers Wecyclers website
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